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Sustainable Finance & Investment

Esteemed speakers will offer insights into the integration of biodiversity considerations into investment strategies, explore the latest developments in ESG ratings and metrics, and discuss the implications of market valuation methodologies for sustainable investment decisions.

Day 1

Monday, 6th May 2024



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Associate Professor, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak


Leader’s Perspective

Biodiversity Risk in the Investment Landscape: Balancing Impact and Strategy

  • Delving into the various risks businesses face due to biodiversity loss, including reputational and legal challenges

  • Understanding the interplay between investments and biodiversity impact for informed decision-making.

Divyaasiny R Rajaghantham, Senior Analyst - Sustainable Finance, WWF Malaysia


Leader’s Keynote

Current Trends and Challenges in Responsible Investment: Perspectives from Malaysian Capital Markets

  • Discussing recent developments and trends in responsible investment within the Malaysian capital markets

  • Exploring the challenges and opportunities faced in promoting responsible investment practices

  • Examining the regulatory framework governing responsible investment in Malaysia, including FIMM's role in supervising UTS and PRS

  • Sharing insights into future priorities and strategies for advancing responsible investment in Malaysia, including areas for further development and potential opportunities for innovation.

Interviewer: TBA


Speakers: Kaleon Leong Rahan, CEO, Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia;


Networking Coffee Break


Strategic Viewpoint

Balancing the ESG Equation: A Case Study on Ratings, Metrics, and Investment Performance

  • Delving into the complexities of balancing ESG factors in investment strategies, their impact on ESG ratings and metrics, and analyze successful case studies demonstrating the alignment of ESG considerations with strong investment performance.highlighting best practices in ESG integration and measurement.

Speakers: TBA


Fireside Chat

Decoding the ESG Integration Puzzle: Challenges in Market Valuation and Standardization

  • Delving into the complexities and inconsistencies of embedding ESG factors into market valuation, highlighting the evolving nature of ESG criteria and their varied impacts across industries.

  • Exploring the challenges in establishing standardized ESG benchmarks and the implications for companies in different sectors, underscoring the need for adaptable yet robust frameworks in ESG valuation.

Moderator: Reserved for Sponsor


Panelists: Mohamad Damshal Awang Damit, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Pelaburan Hartanah Berhad; Hideki Suzuki, Sr. Director, Sustainable Investing, Manulife Investment Management; Dewi Suyenti Tio, Country Manager, Indonesia, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)


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Day 2

Tuesday, 7th May 2024



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Associate Professor, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak


Legal’s Perspective

Navigating the Legal Landscape of Sustainable Finance and Decarbonization: Insights from a legal firm

  • Unpacking the Legal Framework: A Case Study on Advising Financial Institutions for Sustainable Finance Initiatives.

  • Strategizing for Decarbonization: Analyzing Legal Challenges and Opportunities in Realizing Smart City and Zero Emissions Projects.

Mitsuru Misawa, Partner, Lawyer (Bengoshi), Atsumi & Sakai


Leader’s Insight

Rising Tide of Sustainable Finance: Growth and Risks in Emerging Markets

  • Investigate the rapid growth of ESG-linked debt and equity in Asia Pacific, exploring the drivers behind this surge and its significant role in foreign financing in emerging markets

  • Addressing the associated risks and challenges, such as market volatility, regulatory uncertainties, and the need for comprehensive ESG evaluation frameworks.

Cedric Rimaud, Corporate Bonds and Green Finance Specialist, SMBC Group


Networking Coffee Break


Strategic Viewpoint

Assessing the Climate Impact of a Portfolio

  • Methods for evaluating the carbon footprint of investments and portfolios

  • In addition to striving for carbon neutrality in portfolios, what other actions can investors take to promote beneficial climate change?

  • Strategies for mitigating climate impact while maintaining investment returns

Speaker: TBA


Regional Diversity

From Ambition to Impact: Asset Owners Driving the Net-Zero Transition in APAC

  • Discussing how asset owners are leveraging their climate goals to shape and propel policy changes that support a fair and equitable transition to a net-zero economy

  • Exploring the practical steps asset owners are taking to integrate net-zero targets into their investment strategies, including capital allocation and risk management, amidst the challenges of anti-ESG sentiment

Moderator: TBA




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